TerraYou — our self-discovery and personality development brand — continues to grow in popularity, so it was only a matter a time for the domain to expand to match the demand for further resources. It’s always been TerraYou’s mission not just to help users determine where they stand in life, but also to offer information and materials related to the three areas we’ve identified as those which most empower individual growth. In fact, their potential is so undeniable that they became TerraYou’s core pillars: Discovery, Balance, and Growth.
It’s these values that led us to create TerraYou’s library of resources, where we offer a collection of online articles relating to everything users might be looking for when they visit the domain, whether directly related to the tests we offer or beyond them.
What to expect (no library card required)
Just like any library worth its salt, the TerraYou collection is chock-full of articles for everyone’s tastes and interests.
The TerraYou library regularly publishes newly researched and written articles concerning carefully selected topics. We’ve learned that our community often seeks out support with navigating professional situations, personal relationships, or even improving Emotional Intelligence or IQ, so the articles seek to discuss a similarly wide range of themes.
Whether someone is looking for information on improving their memory or they’re interested in first-hand accounts of how the Big Five gives perspective on one’s parents — the library shares both research and personalized accounts. Our articles speak to an array of audiences and temperaments. Users can find the voice that most resonates with them: Do they wish to be inspired? To be entertained? To read up on recent breakthroughs in science?

What does the future hold?
Just like our other offerings from TerraYou, our article collection strives to scratch the itch each member of our community has for knowledge — knowledge that drives us forward in our journeys of learning and developing.
We’re very excited about what our content team has done so far, and even still, we’re looking to expand as we move forward. We pride ourselves on our ability to adapt, and our vision for the future aims to soon host content from coaches and experts in fields related to our three pillars. We’re discussing new formats as well, from podcasts to published interviews to inviting guest contributors for articles.
We’re eager to collaborate, so if these ideas spark your curiosity or if you see another opportunity to contribute, please reach out to us! We’d love to hear from you.
If you’re new not just to the library of resources, but to TerraYou more widely, why not take a look at some articles, starting with our pillars: Discovery, Balance, and Growth.

And keep an eye on our career page to see current job openings.